Monday, January 27, 2014


Last night my love and I started talking about the different people that inspire us, what it is that they do/did, and how they started doing it.  We both agreed that each person lived their life intentionally and their story evolved over time. 

We also talked about how sad it was when some talk about a cetain time in their past as the best time that ever was or will be. My love and I certainly do not want to live that way, we want to keep looking ahead to all the wonderful plans God has for us. But that means that we have to really listen and believe God as well as live intentionally.

My love said,"you never go beyond the footprints that you make." 

And he is SO right! Miriam-Webster dictionary defines intention as determination to act in a certain way. Design is one of the synonyms but implies more of a "carefully calculated plan."  God designed us and carefully planned out an amazing purposefilled life for us. I want to be intentional about his plan. I want to be filled with determination to act according to God's design and not get distracted chasing satan's rabbit holes.  

^ I wrote the above portion of my post five days ago ^  The next morning my little love and I woke up sick. Not much has been accomplished this week and my only goal has been to be as happy and lazy as possible. I am now two days late on my bible study. My garbage disposal is apparently broken and there is a clog somewhere causing water to sit in both sides of my sink. My counters are littered with dirty dishes and my husband said I am not allowed to run the dishwasher. My voice is gone, my daughter is not sleeping well, and according to my last doctors visit I may be visiting a neurologist soon. 

So basically I feel very behind on my to-do list but all in all I have to accept the fact that I will not accomplish everything I want to each day. And that's okay! Because I live to the standard of GRACE, not perfection. <3 

1 comment:

  1. Hi, The definition of determination to act in a certain way is so helpful. I am determined to crave God more than any food or anything else. Thank you for sharing! Natalie (OBS Blog Hop Team)
